Palisade Peaches are big, juicy, and sweet peaches from the western slope of the Colorado Rockies. Our family has owned orchards in Palisade for over 40 years. We have been bringing the peaches to Olathe and other parts of the KC metro area since 2017.
These Palisade Peaches aren't like anything you get from a grocery store. These are premium peaches and their quality is second to none. The peaches we receive are all freestone (with the exception of Redhavens which are mostly freestone/semi-cling) and they are all non-GMO. The orchard also has a Certified USDA Organic option available. The peaches are picked tree-ripe, then field packed, and then immediately put into refrigeration.
When you eat a Palisade Peach, it's best to have a paper towel under your chin or close by because you're going to need it!
The peaches are very easy to can/freeze, excellent to bake desserts with, used to make peach ice cream, delicious when grilled, used in salsa, or you just eat them right out of the box! And there's many more things you can do with them!
In 2022, we started receiving Bartlett pears from the orchard. If you like pears, you will LOVE these Palisade Pears. And if you don't like pears, be prepared to add a new favorite fruit to your list! The pears are picked while still green and firm and do take a little time to ripen which allows you to enjoy them for a couple of weeks!
In 2023, we started receiving Honeycrisp apples and organic Bing cherries from the orchard. If you haven't tried either of these yet, you don't want to miss out this season! There are multiple varieties of red sweet cherries grown at the orchard so the variety could vary from year to year.
There are several varieties of peaches that we typically receive throughout the season. The common varieties we receive are: ​​
Red Globe
Glowing Star